Stories of Hope

Jonah Before
Jonah Ssemyalo joined The Gem Foundation in November 2014.
As a baby, Jonah suffered from cerebral malaria that resulted in multiple special needs. Additionally he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and epilepsy.
The father did everything he could for his son, but he had no one to effectively care for him while he was away for work. After being unable to provide Jonah with care and protection, the Gem stepped in to offer emergency care. During his stay at The Gem Foundation, he never gave up on Jonah; he continuously visited him to see how he was doing so that he could someday be able to care for him again.
Where is Jonah now?
Today, after counseling and preparations, Jonah’s dad was ready to have Jonah come home!! We rejoice that Jonah has been reunited with his father! It has been excellent to see him loved and celebrated by his biological family. Since his reunification in February 2020, the Gem Foundation has continuously visited him to ensure that he is safe and continues to provide his medications. Jonah is thriving, and his life has improved a lot. He follows instructions and loves playing with his toys, especially those that make noise.
During our ten-year celebration, Jonah was able to come with his dad and see all of the staff who loved and cared for him while he was with us. Jonah's dad gave a speech and thanked Gem for all the love and care given to Jonah throughout the years. Jonah is just one of the many successful cases that we have been able to be a part of! Although we miss having Jonah around the Gem we rejoice that he is loved and cared for by his family where he belongs. We are thankful to be a part of Jonah’s story and so thankful that today he is celebrated and loved by his family and community.
Mission Statement
Every child with special needs is a Gem from the heart of God therefore: we will rescue the abandoned Gem, restore their God given value, and release every Gem into their God given destiny.
Together we will: "Love the broken, Strengthen the weak, & Encourage the weary." Ps. 82: 3-4

Leila Before
Leila joined our home in January 2019 after being severely malnourished and a victim of extreme neglect. She was sick, withdrawn, and scared.
Her empty eyes held so much heartache as they bore into each person she met.
Yet because of our generous donors, Leila was able to receive emergency medical care, intense therapy and excellent nutrition. Leila was able to heal as she learned how much we love her, and how much Christ loves her.
Where Leila is Today
Little by little, Leila began to blossom! Leila began to talk, walk, and the best part of all – she started to smile! She has become the life of our home with her chatting, dancing, and praising Jesus! It has been such a beautiful story of redemption and transformation right before our eyes!
After more counseling, therapy, and support, Leila was able to say goodbye to our Gem family as she was reunited with her biological mama! God is so good, and we are so excited to see her accepted and loved by her family and the entire community around her!
Think about it: at the beginning of the year, Leila looked hopeless, but today she has an entirely different story! Leila is healthy, talking, joyful, loved and adored and reunited with her family! Although we will miss having Leila in our Gem home, we are so excited about the future for Leila!
We have had 100 other children just like Leila that we care for — and are taking in new children all the time. Want to see more children like Leila healed and cared for?