Come to Uganda
Are you interested in coming to see first hand the work that The Gem Foundation is doing in Uganda?
Come serve with us at the Gem Village!
You will be an encouragement as you serve alongside our amazing Ugandan staff in loving and caring for the Gems. Additionally, our Gem Village provides many opportunities to share and use your skills and passions. Check out our Giving Community for more information about the different areas within the Gem Village and how you can be a blessing.
Be sure to check out the What to Expect section for additional information. We’d love to talk to you more about serving at the Gem!

Get Started!
Timeline to Uganda
1. Fill out Inquiry Form
3. Submit Application
5. Team Zoom Call
7. Come to the Gem Village
2. Interview with Staff
4. Weekly Preparation Emails
6. Final Travel Arrangements
8. Post-trip Debrief

What to Expect
In preparation for travel, you will need the following:
Your passport should have at least 6 months left when you are traveling.
Make an appointment with a travel clinic to discuss necessary vaccinations and medications. You will need the yellow fever vaccine (or waiver) and malaria medication at a minimum.
Apply for a Single Entry Tourist Visa
Team fees are $1,450 (which includes a $50 application fee), plus airfare and cost of a team outing.
Every time a team comes to the Gem, there are different needs and service projects they may be asked to help with while there, depending on skills, interests, and abilities. However, there are some standards:
1. Bring donations (clothes, cloth diapers, toys, books, education material, etc.), since those items are difficult to find in Uganda.
2. Take a group of Gems on an outing (pool, zoo, or botanical garden).
3. Organize a staff party to thank them for their hard work and show our appreciation. It’s usually a themed party with games and special food.
4. Team outing: 2-day safari
5. Attend a local church service on Sunday and have an opportunity to shop at the craft market in Kampala.
6. And the most important part of the trip is loving the Gems and helping the nannies with playtime, school time, feeding time, etc.
Including travel days, you should expect to be gone approximately 12 days.
We tend to have 3 - 4 mission teams per year at the Gem. For 2025, we have teams in late May and mid August, so far.
Already part of a Go Team traveling to the Gem?
Please use this payment form if you have already filled out the online application and are ready to pay your application and/or team fees.
If you are making a donation towards the team fees for a specific team member, please indicate their name in the form.