Countdown To Thanksgiving

Seeds of Thanksgiving

I think you will agree, 2020 has been a difficult year for everyone. Loss of employment, loss of loved ones, and the loss of connection has affected everyone. It can be very discouraging. But let’s change our thinking and hearts by becoming advocates of Thanks-Giving! For the 20 days leading up to Thanksgiving find ways to express your thankfulness; write a friend, call a loved one, do a purposeful act of thankfulness for 20 days! At The Gem, we will purposefully be thankful each day!

We are also excited to announce, for the next 20 days The Gem Foundation needs to raise seed money, 10% of the cost of Phase 2, so that we can give the go-ahead to our contractors to begin building Assisted Living Homes for our Gems as they grow to adulthood and become 18 years old.

In Uganda our oldest Gems will be growing into adults and will be required by law to leave our children’s homes. Gem Village for many of our Gems is their forever home and we will not leave our adult Gems without homes. We have been planning for the day that our Bethany and Pearl turn 18 years old. We are excited to announce that our plan for the Assisted Living Homes includes two homes for our adult Gems and we need to raise the funds this year!

- Dwight | Executive Director of US Operations